Thursday, March 17, 2011

About this blog

I am writing this as a journal into my beginning of an all carnivore diet.  In the off chance that this diet is indeed the true human diet and my body and health reflects this, i want to be able to know in detail the how, what and why's. 

First a bit about me for anyone who actually cares to read. 

My name is Zach, i am 27, engaged and have a 8 month old son.  I am deeply interested in nutrition, exercise and health in general.  I seem to be better at studying it then putting it into practice and making it work for me.  Since the age of 18 i have felt no right in terms of my health.  I have had some very debilitating back and hip main going on 7 years or more and no matter what i try i have slowly and steadily been gaining weight.  As of two days ago when i started this journey i was at 200, down from about 207 at my heaviest.  My diet before this was a mixture of painful adherence to paleo with bouts of gorging on junk food and processed foods.  I have always had a really bad sweet tooth and also a salt tooth it seems.  As for strength and mobility, i am a mixed bag.  I seem to be able to gain muscle mass easily, my upper body is decently strong but my core and lower but are a mess.  My exercise in the past has consisted of barbell training for the most part.  I never could make it work for me though and usually ended up hurting myself before any good gains could be attained.  Throughout the last 3-4 years i have become increasingly skeptical and aware that mainstream exercise and nutrition are not optimal, less then optimal even.  In some cases down right dangerous.  Over the last half a year i have been reading more about old times strongman and ancient cultures, how they trained, ate and lived.  Now i am no reenactor and have no desire to go barefoot around town and sleep on dirt.  Mainly i am looking back at what was optimal for us pre industrial revolution and even pre agriculture.   In all this reading i have come to the conclusion that to be really strong all over, one has to start small and work his way up.  He also needs proper nutrition.  So i have decided that i will train like the old time strongman, with kettlebells and calisthenics or bodyweight movements.  Eventually i will buy a barbell as well but not until i have earned it.  As for my diet i stumbled across a man who is now dead named Owsley "the bear" Stanley, who was famous for creating LSD in the 60's, was the sound man for Greatful Dead and was entirely carnivore for 47 years.  He died at age 71 in a car accident.  He was in perfect health, had the body of a 20-30 year old and preached that an all meat diet is the true human diet.  Unfortunately he died before i got to talk to him more about this diet but thanks to his followers, all his posts have been saved into a pdf that i found.  Interesting that it was his death that led me to this diet, im sure he would take pleasure in knowing that.

And this is where the journey begins.  March 15, 2011.  Measurements, pictures, and synopsis of my first three days to come...

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